Crisis & Development Services

9 4th Avenue
Hillside Commons
Oswego, NY 13126
Free & Confidential Services
315-342-7532 (office)

OCO Crisis Hotlines – Crisis Intervention and support for:

  • Victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or victims of other violent crimes 315-342-1600 
  • People experiencing a Housing crisis, difficulty meeting basic needs and other crisis situations: 315-342-7618  or  1-877-342-7618 (toll free)

Crisis & Development Services assist people in gaining safety, self sufficiency and personal growth through prevention, intervention and skill building services.

Prevention and Outreach Services:

Health Education focuses on teen pregnancy prevention and the reduction of sexually-transmitted infections through education within area school systems and the community. Our mobile testing unit provides confidential HIV testing and prevention services at various locations throughout Oswego County. Health Education aims to connect individuals to our health centers to improve the reproductive health of the community. We proudly provide the linkages necessary to break barriers to care and make connections for our consumers. We offer a variety of free or low cost sexual health services to individuals regardless of age, sexuality, or gender. 315-342-7532 Option 7

Clubhouse provides a safe, inviting space that is inclusive for young people 12-17 and young adults 18-21 to develop pro-social skills that promote long-term health wellness, recovery and a drug free lifestyle, while connecting youth to community supports, increasing youth-adult partnerships, and reducing the stigma people in recovery face. Clubhouse operates scheduled drop-in type sessions Tuesday-Saturday at the OCO Hillside Commons location offering a variety of activities and supports for youth & families. 315-342-7532 Option 5

LGBTQ+ Drop in is a safe and inclusive space for the LGBTQ+ Community and supporters. Youth and young adults can come for a safe place to just hang out or join in on activities, games, field trips, peer interaction, education, and connection to community resources and services. LGBTQ+ Drop in takes place every Monday from 1:00pm-3:00pm and every Wednesday from 4:30-7:30 in Suite 11F at the Hillside Commons, 9 4th Ave Oswego NY 13126. Reach out to us on for more information.

S.C.O.R.E (Support. Collaboration. Opportunities. Resources. Education. Employment) program is designed to assist in removing barriers to employment with the end result being self-sustainability. Through work ready support and community resource HUBS consumers can walk in and  access needed services from community partners all in one location, removing the barrier of time and transportation to and from various agencies. Specialists assist consumers with goal planning to meet their educational and employment needs, as well as providing activities to help with resume building, job placements, interview preparation and skill building sessions and a curriculum that will lead to the ACT WorkKeys NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate). 315-342-7532 Option 5

Homeless Services – Adult & Family Case Management, Housing Assistance, Youth Shelter, PATH (Program to Assist Teenage Homeless):

Homeless Services provides supportive services to stabilize households to prevent homelessness and facilitate the transition from homelessness to permanent housing. Homeless Services Specialists assist families/ households by assessing needs and strengths, planning goals, researching to locate housing/prevent eviction, advocate for families, supporting families to maintain housing, and monitoring progress in retaining housing. Direct financial assistance is available and support services include case management and job skills training. Additional services include distributing emergency supplies, outreach, youth shelter and transitional living services.

Youth Emergency Services (YES!) Shelter provides temporary shelter to runaway and homeless youth under age 18 for up to 21 days.  While in the shelter youth work towards family reunification or another permanent living situation. This is a voluntary program and youth can choose to leave when they would like.

PATH is a transitional living program for homeless young people ages 16 – 21 that provides the opportunity to learn independent living skills, complete educational goals and to become a responsible member of the community. PATH has provided services to youth since 1991.

Services can be accessed through the hotline, Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm 315-342-7618 or toll-free 1-800-342-7618If you are in crisis after 5pm or the weekend Call 211 or for immediate assistance.

Victim Services:

SAF Crisis Hotline (Services to Aid  Families) provides consumers who are experiencing domestic or sexual violence with access to highly trained specialists 24/7. The hotline also acts as a link to a wide variety of community programs and resources that can help individuals and families meet their needs and accomplish their goals. 315-342-1600

Services to Aid Families (SAF) provides residential and non-residential services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, elder abuse and stalking as well as crime victims. Services are designed to assist and empower survivors as well as to mobilize a coordinated community-wide response to those issues.
Staff offer community, professional, and school-based education on domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, dating violence as well as informational sessions on intervention services provided by the SAF program. Presentations on the above listed topics can be geared specifically to meet the needs of the intended audience and will include age appropriate material. Common topics may cover but are not limited to; healthy relationships, the criminal justice and civil justice response, sexual assault prevention and intervention, crime victim’s compensation, bystander intervention, common myths about domestic and dating violence, the effects of battering on the family, and how to create a coordinated community response to aid in the prevention of dating violence, domestic violence and sexual assault. 315-342-7532 Opt. 3

 Care Management Services:

BMEN – men’s batterer accountability program, is one of many penalties the criminal and civil justice system may use to hold abusers accountable for their acts of domestic violence. Participants are mandated to attend and are required to complete a minimum of 26 weeks. The program focuses on the effects of DV on relationships and families and why a person chooses to be an abusive partner. The group reviews healthy relationship behaviors and is focused on holding the abusive partner accountable for their choice to be violent. 315-342-1256

Backstreet Books is the place to shop for used books or to use a computer in Fulton. Backstreet Books also functions as a job training site for consumers to build their job skills, as well as a community meeting spot. 315-342-7532 Opt. 6 or 315-598-5669

Job Assistance Readiness Training (JART)is an employment skills program for ages 16 and up. Through JART, consumers will gain job readiness skills, on-the-job training, and supports to find ongoing employment in the community. Consumers can test for the National Work Readiness Credential and will gain the personal competencies and skills needed for successful employment.  315-598-5669

 Supervised Visitation Program provides a safe place for children during supervised visitation with his/her non-custodial family members. Staff ensure that children have safe and meaningful interactions with all family members. The center also serves as an exchange service where children are dropped off and picked up by each family member in a setting that is safe and free from conflict. Visitation staff maintain professional boundaries and treat all individuals who use these services fairly.  315-598-6988

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